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Вечернее платье Verngo, из органзы телесного цвета, длиной до щиколотки, для выпускного вечера, официальное платье из тюли icon star icon star icon star icon star icon star

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В наличии!
Verngo Evening Dresses Store - Надежность 90.25%

Более 52496 подписчиков, дата открытия магазина 26.09.2019

  • Положительные оценки: 89% (1491)
  • Соответствие описанию: 90%
  • Отвечает на сообщения: 92%
  • Скорость отправки: 90%

Последнее обновление: 01.04.2022

Отзывы покупателей


Страна: US Color: picture color US Size: 6 Доставка: DHL 26.07.2021

not like photo and totally see-through. I even asked the seller to add extra tulle to the top in case it was sheer. they promised me that they would do that but they didn't. I gave seller my measurements and the dress is huge! I ordered 3 dresses from this seller, one too big, one fit perfectly, and one too small. Before I purchased I asked seller how long it would take to make all 3 dresses. They said they'd be ready to ship all in 12 days. 22 days later, they shipped one dress. I told them it's fine if it takes longer than 12 days but I need an accurate date because I bought it for an event and I need to receive it in time. They lied to me and said they'd ship the others in 3 days. 5 days later they finally ship them. I tried to track it and they gave a fake tracking number. They said they did that because time was running out and the order would be canceled. 10 days later they finally shipped my order. Thankfully I paid extra for fast shipping but I can't wear this dress anyways.

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