Последнее обновление: 24.05.2022
Детектор дыма с батарейным питанием Комбинированный детектор угарно...
77 Отзывов
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Последнее обновление: 14.03.2022
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Последнее обновление: 29.05.2022
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0 Отзывов
3 Заказов
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Последнее обновление: 12.05.2022
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Последнее обновление: 23.04.2022
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Последнее обновление: 12.04.2022
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【Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector】: Equipped with both photoelectric smoke sensor and electrochemical CO sensor that work independently of each other; detects both fast and slow-burning fires, and instantly notifies you when dangerous smoke or CO concentration is detected while minimizing false alarms; provides the ultimate protection from 2 deadly threats, all contained in 1 unit. 【LCD Display and Low Battery Warning】: Clearly indicates real-time carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the surrounding air, as well as Low battery reminder, when the power is close to run out,the red light flashes every 10s and the LCD displays "LB",you won't miss the chance to change the new Battery. 【Test/Silence Button】: Tests the unit for proper operation and and to easily silence the alarm when false alarms occur, resets the smoke and carbon monoxide alarm, Alarm Volume: Loud > 80dB at 1 meters. Loud 80-decibel alarm is designed to be heard easily. 【Easy Installation without Hardwired】: Requires no rewiring; easy to mount on any wall or ceiling with the included 3*AA Batteries, screws and anchor plugs. 【100% Guaranteed Quality】:all RINKMO carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm are rigorously tested to meet UL 217 and UL 2034 safety standards; comes with 1 year free warranty and a lifetime customer support.
Accurate and loud alarm
When carbon monoxide and smoke rise reach the alarm level. The 80 decibel siren issues a clear, loud warning when it was discovered, and even deep sleepers will be awakened.
4.5V The battery operated
Combination smoke&CO alarm is powered by 3 AA 1.5V batteries for long time working. it can be installed anywhere without the power outlet
Easy Installation:
Choose a right surface and fix the base of the detector with screws Insert 3 AA batteries into the battery box following the indication of positive and negative poles. Place smoke& CO alarm host on the base and screw it tight to the right. Installation completes.
The LED indicator flashes GREEN to indicate the following the working modes (no beeps):
Standby Mode: flashes green once every 30 seconds and that means the decetor functions normally.
When the LED indicator flashes RED, an alarm will sound, indicating one of the following two modes:
CO Alarm Mode: While CO detected exceeds, the red light flashes rapidly and the buzzer makes sound. Low Battery Warning: the red light flashes every 10s and the LCD displays "LB".
When the LED indicator flashes BLUE, an alarm will sound, indicating the following the modes:
Smoke Alarm Mode: the blue indicator flashes rapidely and the buzzer makes sound.
Practical LCD Display
The display will indicate real-time carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the surrounding air, If a CO concentration of 30-999 ppm exists for a certain time period,and the Red LED indicator will flash rapidly and the buzzer makes sound.
Technical Specifications:
Power Supply: 4.5V AA battery(include) Smoke Sensor Type: Photoelectric CO Sensor Type: Electrochemical Safety Standards: UL 217 & UL 2034 Alarm Noise Level: 80 dB at 9.84 ft (3 m)
Package Contents:
1 × Alarm Unit 2 × Screws 2 × Anchor Plugs 1 × User Manual
The batteries may not be the same as the picture in the listings. But the using life is the same.
Особенности товара
Детектор дыма и окиси углерода
Количество батарей:
Батарея в комплекте:
Источник питания:
4,5 V AA батарея (входит в комплект)
Тип датчика дыма:
Тип датчика CO:
Стандарты безопасности:
UL 217 & UL 2034
Уровень шума сигнализации:
80 дБ на 9,84 футов (3 м)
10,5*10,5*4 см
Вопросы еще не задавались...
Alarm Noise Level80 dB at 9.84 ft (3 m)
Battery IncludedYes
CO Sensor TypeElectrochemical
Number of Batteries3
Safety StandardsUL 217 & UL 2034
Smoke Sensor TypePhotoelectric
TypeSmoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector
UPCDoes not apply
Вес логистики0.200
Каждая упаковка1
Минимальная единица измерения100000015
Название брендаНет
Продано Вsell_by_piece
Размер логистики - высота (см)5
Размер логистики - длина (см)13
Размер логистики - ширина (см)8
Умные домашние тапочки на платформеДругое