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Последнее обновление: 24.01.2022

Отзывы покупателей


Страна: TR Ships From: China Доставка: Standard Shipping 18.12.2021

Seller didn't want to send the items right after I ordered it. He claimed the product has low quality and wanted to refund my money. At that time he had the same product at higher price in his shope. Finally the package was sent and arrived my adress. Suprise. In the package there were only the mop cloth rags. He claimed the rest is stolen at the custom. But the bag was sealed and looked untouched only with the mop cloth rags in. I don't believe the seller. At the end we came to the point which the seller force me to do from the very beginning. "fefund the money". Due to seller's indecent bussines attitude, I lost my 11.11 discounts and Aliexpress coupons. Don't trust the seller. Don't buy something from that shop, otherwise you can loose money, time and discounts.

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