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Тренажер для фитнеса 200 кг500 фунтов, тонкая вибрационная платформа для тренировок, формирователь тела с пультом дистанционного управления с эспандерами icon star icon star icon star icon star icon star

6 052,30
В наличии!
Cycling & Fishing Store - Надежность 90.75%

Более 9987 подписчиков, дата открытия магазина 28.09.2016

  • Положительные оценки: 91% (1119)
  • Соответствие описанию: 90%
  • Отвечает на сообщения: 90%
  • Скорость отправки: 92%

Последнее обновление: 24.04.2022

Отзывы покупателей


Страна: CA Color: black Ships From: United States Доставка: Seller's Shipping Method - US 07.12.2021

My order with them was a nightmare. There was a price error, which I asked if they could adjust my cc. They asked me to show them where the discrepancy was, which I did. After, they said they will notify the sales department. When I did not see anything with my bank, I asked again about the adjustment. They tell me to keep waiting. In the meantime, my tracking # shows it is stalled in the US (where it is shipping from) and it has not moved at all. I kept asking about my price adjustment and tracking info. The next thing I know, they said the tracking # is wrong, and I will not be getting my item and only a full refund. My shopping experience with them was stressful. I will never buy from them again. NEVER!

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